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Vitamin D3 Sunshine Patch

5,000 iu Vitamin D3    

700 mcg Vitamin K2 (MK-7)     

250 mg Magnesium

Vitamin D is a major factor in overall health and is now recognized to be more than just a vitamin responsible for calcium homeostasis in the body, but acts as a steroid hormone precursor that is essential to proper endocrine and immune system health. Recent research suggests that nearly every cell in our body has Vitamin D receptors. Unfortunately Vitamin D3, the most bioavailable form of Vitamin D, is only produced by exposure to sunlight and is not found in adequate levels in any food sources.

Vitamin D3 is essential to the immune system and calcium absorption. Vitamin K2 is crucial for proper function of Vitamin D3 and vital to heart health due to its role in keeping calcium out of the arteries and bringing it into the bones and teeth. Mk-7 (menaquinone-7) is the most bioavailable and effective form of K2.

This perfectly balanced dose of Vitamin D3, Vitamin K2, and Magnesium comes in an easily applied slow-release patch. Our innovative and convenient delivery method gives you bioavailable D3, K2, and Magnesium through direct slow absorption into the skin, closely resembling the body’s natural production of D3 through sunlight exposure.

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